Why Smart Broker Dealers need Equalizer:

We understand the challenges of running a B/D efficiently. Some software companies act as if every financial firm has full IT departments and will pay any price for software systems. We know better.

With Equalizer customer data, sales activities, and compliance flow is combined seamlessly. It is viewed and managed from any location, anytime using a secure internet connection, eliminating the cost and headaches software installed and maintained on local computers require.

We understand that you must not only do what is required, you must be able to evidence having done it. To this end we provide an array of compliance reports that effortlessly fulfill many FINRA requirements.

As we speed and automate the compliance process firm-wide paperwork burdens are cut dramatically.

In fact, we have fully automated so many Compliance and Operations tasks that you now oversee your business with confidence. It may even become fun again!

B/D operations are revolutionized and efficiency skyrocket when Equalizer moves customer data and transaction entry to the point of origination, the Representative. This logical change reduces unnecessary processing errors. Reps, once empowered, will refuse to work any other way…. that is, for any other Broker Dealer! This results in amazing retention of an otherwise notoriously opportunistic sales force!

Direct* "Check & App" mutual fund, variable and fixed annuity paperwork stops passing through the home office/OSJ on its way to the issuer. Representatives enter, process, and mail this business directly while your Supervisory Principal oversees all the activity in real time.

Benefits of Equalizer include:

  1. Reduces staffing expenses of back office Compliance and Operations personnel dramatically. Savings of 25% or more on salary and fringe benefit expenses easily recoup the cost of Equalizer almost immediately.
  2. Reduced stress and increased productivity dramatically increases employee satisfaction among Compliance and Operations personnel. Freed of mundane repetitive tasks, they can be redeployed to other important firm tasks.
  3. Recruit and attract new Reps into your firm with the refined professional image and simplified business process Equalizer brings on your B/D.
  4. Dramatically increase retention of your existing Representatives. Once the satisfaction and ease of working with state of the art software is experienced, switching Broker/Dealers becomes unthinkable. A professional always wants to have the best tools!
  5. Consolidated statements (optional): view or print the account value of all your customers various mutual fund and annuity holdings on one simple statement instantly. *Optional Module available
  6. Avoid fines and penalties when regulatory requirements are automatically performed and enforced. Protect your valuable B/D from potentially crippling non-compliance sanctions.
  7. All existing customer data of your firm, in any format, is imported so transition is quick and seamless.

*Note: Brokerage account activity requires processing on proprietary clearing firm systems (such as NetExchangePro and Streetscape), this activity is unaffected by Equalizer.